3 Benefits of Professional Mosquito Control Services [infographic]

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As it says in our name, we at Carolina Turf and Mosquito specialize in mosquito control. These nasty pests have painful, irritating bites, and they can spread dangerous diseases, so there are plenty of good reasons to want to keep them off your property. While there are several DIY solutions available to control these insects, we encourage you to consider hiring us for professional mosquito control services. We know the enormous difference that trained professionals can make, and in this article, we’ll go over some of the benefits that our team can provide to help convince you to give it a try.

3 Benefits of Professional Mosquito Control Services

  1. Better Targeting Methods- One benefit of professional mosquito control services is that trained experts know exactly where to look for mosquito breeding grounds and exactly what to do to prevent these insects from successfully reproducing. This means that instead of trying multiple applications of pesticides based on guesswork, we can apply the chemicals only where they will do the most good.
  1. Better Treatments- Another benefit of going straight to the pros is that we have access to more effective pesticides. Our team uses EPA-approved products that will get right to work killing mosquitoes and preventing them from breeding to create more. In addition, we can treat standing water with larvicide, which allows you to keep water sources on your property without worrying about the potential mosquito problem that can come with them.
  1. Increased Safety- Lastly, trained mosquito control experts like ourselves know how to apply pesticides safely, both for ourselves and for the other wildlife in the area. We’ll never use too much and risk harming other animals or people. In addition, we store our chemicals safely and bring them with us to and from jobs, so you don’t have to worry about storing them on your property.

3 Benefits of Professional Mosquito Control Services