Operation Turf Maintenance: Going for Green in Six Steps

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If you are like many home and commercial property owners in Charlotte, North Carolina and surrounding areas, keeping your lawn looking its best may just be one of those neighborhood rivalries that you can’t seem to avoid. Are you always eyeing your neighbor’s latest moves or wishing you could see two more inches over the fence to get in on their secret to greener grass? Turf maintenance can be a challenge even for the most experienced lawn owners, so knowing these six steps will help you get in the game, stay in the game, and go for the green.

Operation Turf Maintenance: Going for Green in Six Steps

1.  Seeding – The first step in a successful game-day operation is seeding your lawn with the highest-quality products. This essential step will only bring victory as you take action towards your next play.

2.  Fertilization – You may already know that feeding the offense the right information is what makes your team the strongest. This spring, make fertilization part of your secret weapon towards taking back your lawn and being the envy of the competition.

3.  Aeration – Punching holes in the defense’s best plays is the only way to enjoy a big win. Lawn aeration is a great way to get through the weak zones and into the end zone.

4.  Weed Control – As you notice the improvements in your lawn already, out of the corner of your eye you see him – the lone ranger coming to take out your almost perfect turf. Early weed prevention is the only way to ensure your lawn is a force to be reckoned with.

5.  Insect Control – If you hear buzzing and it’s not the sound of your family cheering you on, then insect control will be an essential step. Make sure you have your mosquito control measures in place, so the other team cannot see through your best defenses.

6.  Special Teams – The moment you notice that your offense is down its strongest player or your defense is crumbling, it’s time to call in your special teams to ensure your path to victory in this year’s turf wars. At Carolina Turf and Mosquito, we’ll provide the two-point conversion you need to score big and take home the trophy with the best lawn. Contact us today to create your next play!